Protecting My PC Against Viruses and Malware for Free

Is a great guide meant for people who have very little knowledge of how to protect their PC for free. I provide links to the free programs I recommend using.

It is for non-technical savvy people who have slow running PCs and don't know why. I point you in the right direction with regard to virus removal and other PC problems.

Purchasing firewalls and antivirus programs is very expensive; they are not a one-off charge because you have to renew every year.

I recommend using more than firewall and antivirus products, because none of them are fail-safe and using other methods adds security.

I give you tips on how to maintain your PC's health, and recommend free programs to use to keep your PC in good working condition.

 Protect Your PC From Malware


Protecting My PC Against Viruses and Malware for Free

Open your firewall program and look at the firewall's logs. There you will see a list of malicious attempts to access your PC blocked by your firewall

Not all firewalls are created equal. A recent test of the effectiveness of free and commercial products, run by a well-known website, revealed that only one of the firewalls was blocking their attempt to gain access. Surprisingly it was one of the free firewalls; proving that spending lots of money is not necessarily the way to effectively protect your PC.

My own experience of firewalls has shown that many are resource hogs and have an enormous impact on PC efficiency, which is of course pointless. The point of a firewall should be to protect and maintain peak PC performance. Thankfully there are products available to us that have very negligible impact on computer resources and provide very good protection from viruses, malware and hacking. If you want to worry yourself search the internet for current virus and malware threats.

Personal computing can be a very expensive pastime, but it need not be as there are a lot of great free products available. Finding out which products are the best and deciding which to use can be a very time-consuming and confusing exercise, not least because the competition want to confuse you.

By trade, I have been a website coder and have owned my own websites. More recently I used WordPress as my preferred content management system. Over the years I have accumulated a lot of Internet and computer experience, which gives me the authority to pass on good advice to others. I am a member of a number PC Technical Forums.

If you are looking for good simple to follow advice on how to protect your PC then I highly recommend my e-book. I tell you what free programs to use and where to download them from. If, you follow my advice you will be on your way to enjoying cheap trouble free online computing.

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